ZeroFlush Blog Articles
Recycling Urine Should Be Compulsory
Revolutionise Resource Use with ZeroFlush: Recycling Urine into Fertiliser Embrace a future where...
Black Mould Removal
Black mould removal is made easy and safe. Black mould removal in bathrooms and kitchens...
How Waterless Urinals Have Saved Millions
Waterless urinals have saved millions, but like every other industry, plumbing needs to stay in...
Bathroom Cleaning Is About Solutions Not Problems
ZeroFlush waterless urinals outperform all our competitors ZeroFlush waterless urinals have been...
Toilet Odours Create Critical Business Perceptions
Toilet Odours and The Power of Scent in Business: Making the Right Impression with Aquatemp When...
Response From Fresh and Green Distributor
Email from Robert Carlile of Alsco Pty Ltd In our technical update of April 2012, we published an...
ZeroFlush Urinals – Aiding Sustainability and Environmentally Friendly
Elevating Hygiene and Sustainability in Commercial Toilets: The Aquatemp Approach For decades, the...
Sustainability Is Always At The Forefront Of Our Thinking
Reimagining Sustainability in Water Management: The Aquatemp Commitment In a world where terms...
New Toilets Reduce Flushing: What Will Happen to Drains?
Revolutionising Sanitation: The No-Mix Vacuum Toilet from NTU Singapore In the quest for more...
Fresh and Green Inserts Are Not a Compliant Urinal System
The Risks of Using Non-Compliant Fresh & Green Inserts in Urinals In the realm of waterless...
ZeroFlush Submission to ABCB Performance Review
ABCB non-water flushing urinals review Manufacturers of waterless urinals worldwide were dismayed...
Are You A Clean Freak? How Much Hand Cleaning Is Too Much
Rethinking Cleanliness: The Balance Between Hygiene and Over-Cleaning In a world increasingly...