by Gary Mays | Apr 9, 2021 | urinal odours
URINALS THAT STINK ARE POORLY MAINTAINED Commercial building managers too often accept urinals that stink. The reality is urinals that stink are not acceptable. Almost all urinals that stink are usually simple to rectify with essential maintenance and servicing....
by Gary Mays | Nov 7, 2019 | Sega urine game
Japan: Leading the World in Unique Innovations It’s often remarked that America is the home of the unusual and the bizarre, but Japan takes the lead regarding toilet humour and quirky inventions. From outlandish variety shows filled with slapstick and raunchy...
by Gary Mays | May 25, 2016 | Oxijet
An Oxijet water-saving shower head dispels a common misconception that baths save more water than showering. Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Scheme or WELS testing confirms that WELS-compliant showers use less water than baths. However, showers do use 25% of...
by Gary Mays | Jan 16, 2016 | Enswico key system
The Enswico Key-System waterless urinal wastes are illegal and not approved for retrofitting in any waterless urinal in Australia. In Australia, the Enswico Key-System urinal wastes are imported and sold by Tom Stoddart Pty Ltd, trading as Stoddart Manufacturing of...
by Gary Mays | Nov 8, 2015 | Mould
Lung Cancer Awareness Month Mould and or mildew are prevalent in bathrooms and kitchens. With November being Lung Cancer Awareness Month, it provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the effect of mould and its harmful effects on your lungs and respiratory system....