ZeroFlush Waterless Urinals vs Traditional Urinals

by | Aug 1, 2024 | ZeroFlush waterless urinals | 0 comments

ZeroFlush Waterless Urinals vs Traditional Urinals: Why ZeroFlush Outperform Traditional Siphonic and Wash Down Urinals

Selecting urinals that work best in a commercial public toilet environment can be challenging. 

Traditional siphonic and wash-down urinals, which have been the accepted norm for decades, have serious drawbacks, such as high water usage and maintenance costs. More importantly, we should all care about water sustainability and environmental issues today. 

ZeroFlush waterless urinals, however, provide a ground-breaking alternative that saves water and keeps your money in the bank while ensuring you are friends with the environment. This blog will avert the focus and move on to keeping in pace with these systems and calling it out on why you need ZeroFlush waterless urinals.

Understanding Siphonic Water Flushing Urinals

A siphon water flushing urinal system is a type of urinal that uses water to generate a suction effect directly from the bowl for cleaning. This type of urinal is prevalent in public toilets and is installed in many commercial and office buildings. But how exactly do they work?

Siphonic urinals take advantage of principles like water pressure and gravity, which combine to create a siphon that sucks waste down into the plumbing system. When the urinal is flushed, water enters and drains quickly from the bowl, carrying waste away. This method is based on the theory that the water siphon effect will ensure the overall cleaning of the trap and will not let any smells or odours be present.

ZeroFlush Waterless Urinals vs Traditional Urinals

Wash-down Urinals: Water flows out from outlets on the upper edge or side of the urinal to send rushing water across the surface area. This approach allows water to stream across the top of the urinal, washing away the urine. Before the urine is drained away, water semi-fill up at the bottom of the urinal. This is quite a simple system, but also one of the least water-efficient.

Siphon Jet Urinals: Siphon jet urinals, on the other hand, employ a focused stream of water to fill the lower bowl and set off siphonic action to assist urine through the trap. The water jet will help urine get pushed out while it refills the bowl and causes a cyclone effect that is great for flushing. This is another more successful way to clean the trap, but it comes at a significant water cost as it relies entirely on water usage.

ZeroFlush Urinals: ZeroFlush waterless urinals use uniquely designed trap systems that create an efficient vertical seal, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals. This design promotes a natural, odour-free environment and reduces bacterial growth by removing water spray, resulting in a healthier and more pleasant user experience. Scientific studies confirm that ZeroFlush urinals significantly lower odour-causing bacteria than traditional water flushing systems.

Why Siphonic Urinals Have a Water Efficiency Problem

While siphonic urinal systems, both wash-down and the new siphon jet type, are suitable for removing urine quickly, they still have one drawback: water consumption. 

These systems use 2 to 5 litres of water for each flush, which is a considerable amount every time they are flushed. Shopping centres, airports, and commercial office buildings are high-volume water users. This means that these water-flushing urinals quickly add up the cost of water and increase the sewer discharge factor charges, which are generally 90% of the incoming water.

Siphonic Urinals Maintenance Challenges

One of the main drawbacks of Siphonic urinals is their maintenance. If they become blocked, special tools and equipment are needed to clear the obstruction. 

Siphonic urinals can frustrate many plumbers who lack the knowledge or experience to maintain them. This lack of skills, knowledge and equipment is prevalent because far too many plumbers only have standard toilet plungers and lack the ability to maintain urinals. This skill deficit can result in more extended downtime and higher maintenance costs if you use inexperienced plumbers.

Siphonic vs ZeroFlush Waterless Cost Comparison

Siphonic and wash-down urinals are typically twice the price of ZeroFlush waterless urinals. 

The cost of installing them is worse, twice or triple the price of installing a ZeroFlush system. Therefore, they are a less viable financial option in the short and long run.

Reliability Issues with Siphonic Urinals

Many siphonic urinals, including Roca, American Standard, Ideal Standard, and Duravit, are equipped with electronics to offer functionality in automated flushing cycles. 

Unfortunately, these electronics malfunction regularly, costing much to fix or replace. These urinals typically last only about four years of operation. Plus, they come with a 12-month warranty instead of ZeroFlush’s 5-year one.

How ZeroFlush Urinals Save Water

ZeroFlush waterless urinals take a completely different approach to urine disposal than traditional water-flushing urinals..

ZeroFlush urinals are designed to save water by completely eliminating the need for flushing, which leads to substantial reductions in both annual water and sewerage costs. Their patented design ensures durability and an operational lifespan of at least 25 years, making them a reliable and eco-friendly choice for any facility. The maintenance routine for ZeroFlush Urinals is straightforward and cost-effective, further enhancing their appeal by reducing the time and expenses associated with cleaning and servicing.

The principle behind these waterless urinals is simple yet highly effective. Human urine is mostly water, so the additional water traditionally used for flushing is unnecessary. ZeroFlush offers a sustainable solution that conserves water and lessens the burden on sewerage infrastructure. By adopting this environmentally responsible alternative, facilities can contribute to water conservation and the efficiency of water waste management systems.

Why ZeroFlush Waterless Urinals Are the Smarter Choice

  1. Water Conservation: ZeroFlush waterless urinals’ most significant advantage is their ability to conserve thousands of litres every year. By choosing these urinals, you are making a substantial contribution to the environment, saving water, and reducing your water charges.
  2. Cost Savings: The primary reason for selecting ZeroFlush waterless urinals is their considerable cost savings. With no water usage, these urinals can save significantly on your water bills, particularly for busy public toilet facilities. This also substantially lowers the sewer discharge factor costs, making ZeroFlush urinals a fiscally responsible decision. 
  3. Maintenance: ZeroFlush urinals tend to require less maintenance. They have no flush valves to go rogue and absolutely no electronics. They are a basic design with few parts, meaning there are few complications or issues to expect down the road from your urinals.
  4. Reliability: ZeroFlush waterless urinals stand out for operational reliability. With a longer operational life compared to siphonic urinals and a 5-year warranty, they provide peace of mind and quality reassurance. This should be your top-of-mind brand for urinals for any public toilet facility, giving you the confidence that investing in ZeroFlush is an investment in the reliable operation of male toilet facilities.
  5. Environmental Impact: ZeroFlush urinals save water and reduce the environmental impact of treating sewerage wastewater. By eliminating the need for water, they significantly reduce water consumption and the energy required to treat and pump water, reducing your facility’s carbon footprint. These represent the greener alternative for any business eager to reduce its carbon footprint, increase water sustainability, and aim for a better environment. Choosing ZeroFlush waterless urinals is not just a cost-effective but also a pragmatic decision towards a more sustainable use of precious drinking water.

Making the Switch to Waterless

If you own a commercial property or run a building with public toilet facilities, you should switch over immediately to waterless urinals like ZeroFlush. The installation process is straightforward and can be done by any qualified plumber. This shows a commitment to sustainability and leads to tangible benefits in cost and maintenance. The transition to ZeroFlush waterless urinals is a simple process that involves removing the existing urinals and installing the new waterless ones, which can be completed in a few hours, minimizing disruption to your facility. 

Wash-down and siphon jet urinals have their time and place, but more water-efficient and cost-effective options are available. ZeroFlush waterless urinals provide the best solution for dealing with urine without requiring massive amounts of water or the additional costs associated with the sewer discharge factor. 

ZeroFlush is the game-changer for sustainable public toilets. When it comes to ZeroFlush waterless urinals vs traditional urinals, the clear choice is ZeroFlush for a more sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution.

Maybe it’s time to look for a more innovative, water-sustainable system or solution for your building’s public toilets.